Last week Info!

I can not believe I am typing the words “last week”.  Here we go!!

Awards Day Thursday May 25 at 8:15 in the cafetorium.  You may check you student out after the program.

EARLY RELEASE on Thursday May 25 and Friday May 26 at 12:00.

The countdown is on!!!

Mystery Guest

Today we had a mystery challenge! The students were given a map and a question that they were to ask our guest about where she lived.  Our guest could only answer yes or no.  The challenge was to find out the name of our mystery guest’s city and state!  They did an awesome job narrowing down the choices.  I think they even got a kick out of seeing our guest.  She might have looked a little familiar to them;)

Our guest was my twin sister that lives in Roanoke, VA. Ask your student if they guessed her city and state correctly!

Field Day

Field day was a BLAST!!  I heard lots of the kiddos saying this was the best day ever and I have to agree.  Coach Underwood and her staff did an amazing job.  THANK YOU!!!

Be sure and save the date for our Awards Day.  It will be Thursday May 25 at 8:15.  This is an Early Release day so you may check your student out after the program.

3rd Grade Field Day

When: Tuesday, May 16th 8:30-11:30

Where: High School Practice Football Field

Apparel: school acceptable & okay to get wet & dirty!! Bring a change of clothes IF staying for the remainder of the day!

Shoes: NO FLIP FLOPS please! Too slippery. (Tennis shoes are best)

Parents please come and watch your child play & celebrate the end of the school year with FUN & GAMES! We do ask that ALL STUDENTS STAY & PLAY FOR THE ENTIRE FIELD DAY! (you may check out after the final activity)

Happy Monday

Happy Monday!  Our class picture went really well!  I can’t wait to see how they turned out:)  We wrote these upcoming events in our planners today so pay attention to these dates:

May 8,9, and 10- STAAR test days.  Please do not plan to eat lunch with your kiddo on these days.

May 12th- All Library books need to be turned in to Mrs. Elder.

May 16th- Field Day!! More info to come!

May 25th- 3rd grade awards @ 815

This week will be our last spelling test.  The end is so close! Let’s do our best to help these kiddos finish strong!